How to Save Money on Groceries in the Philippines: Budget-Friendly Tips

In these times of rising commodity prices, it's important to find ways to save money. One of the smartest strategies is to cut down on your grocery budget, but this doesn't have to mean compromising on quality. There are simple ways to manage your grocery budget without feeling guilty about cutting back on your family's needs. Sounds too good to be true? Here are our budget-friendly tips to save on groceries:

How to Save Money on Groceries in the Philippines

1. Plan and prepare your meals ahead

Meal planning may sound tedious for some, but many individuals also said that it’s a “game changer” for many lifestyles. During the weekend, organize and outline the meals you intend to eat over the rest of the week. Plan your portions, create a menu, and make a list of all the ingredients you will need.

By doing this, you can plan your meal budget for the week, avoid unnecessary purchases, and avoid impulse buys or costly takeout orders. Bonus: You get to enjoy healthy homecooked meals every time.

2. Shop at local wet markets

Skip the comfort of air-conditioned supermarkets and choose to buy at local wet markets.

There’s still a reason why many local wet markets continue to thrive amidst the comforts and convenience of supermarkets, and that’s because they're still priced relatively lower. This is because there are fewer middlemen, and vendors often buy directly from farms. Even more, you get to enjoy fresh produce and help the local farming community. However, you can also search your neighborhood for low-cost supermarkets, which may offer some items, for instance canned goods, at a lower price than wet markets.

3. Grow your own food

If you are not a plantita or plantito yet, now might be the perfect time to start and enjoy gardening. Level up your plantita/plantito goals by choosing to plant produce that you can use in cooking every day. You might think you don’t have the space for plants, but urban gardening is becoming a trend nowadays. Common produce and plants that thrive in urban gardens are usually:

  • Herbs like thyme, oregano, basil, and more
  • Leafy greens like lettuce, arugula, spinach, etc.
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Spring Onions
  • Bell Peppers, and many more

4. Reduce food waste

Choose to buy foods and items that you’re likely to consume and avoid experimenting with new items that you don’t usually buy. You might end up not enjoying or liking them. Save trying new products for days when you have an extra budget. Maximize the items you purchase so you get the full value of your money. Imagine throwing away uneaten food is like throwing a portion of your budget. Here are simple ways to reduce food waste:

  • Learn to properly store
  • Portion your meals
  • Repurpose leftovers and freeze extra
  • Always check expiration dates when buying

5. Don’t shop while hungry

One golden rule of grocery shopping is to never shop when you are angry or starving. This makes you very vulnerable to impulse buying and being tempted to buy too many snacks. Grab a quick bite at home before leaving, and bring your own water too when going out.

6. Find the best times to go grocery shopping

Sometimes, when it is almost time for closing, supermarkets or even the neighborhood wet market will give discounts and markdowns. It can also be a specific date of the month, so it’s best to be mindful and always check. Meanwhile, it’s also discouraged to go grocery shopping when it’s your pay day to stop you from overspending and buying things you don’t actually need.

These are just a few of the time-tested tips that budget-savvy individuals have swore to help them work around their grocery budget. With a little planning and creativity, you can save money on groceries without sacrificing quality. Start saving and budgeting today!

— Sally, The Summit Express

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