This man is considered 'lucky charm' of board examinees in La Union, why?

Have you heard of the superstition among board examinees that to pass the board exam, you need to have your pencils sharpened by a board passer or a topnotcher so that you can be imbued with the luck they carry?

SEE ALSO: Pharmacist Board Exam passer shares 'lucky charm' for passing board exam

Michael Prince N. Del Rosario, better known as Prince, from San Fernando, La Union, is a nurse and also a teacher.

This man is considered 'lucky charm' of board examinees in La Union

People ask him to sharpen their pencils or hold them so that he can supposedly transfer his "lucky charm" to the board exam takers.

Who wouldn't think that Prince is lucky? In both of his board exams, not only did he pass, but he was also a topnotcher in both. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Lorma Colleges in March 2010 and ranked 8th in the board exam.

He then took a Certificate in Teaching at Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University in March 2015. And you know what, he was the top 1 in March 2016 Licensure Exam (LET) for Teachers.

Who would believe that someone admired by board examinees for being a topnotcher in two different board exams once had a troubled life during high school? It is said that Prince got addicted to online games in high school, which led to him dropping out without his parents knowing. He even faked his school records and graduation. But one day, he decided to turn his life around through the Alternative Learning System (ALS), and after completing it, he straightened out and excelled in college.

READ: High school dropout and former online game addict tops licensure exam for teachers

In the board exam, he even sharpened his pencils with the same sharpener used by the topnotchers, which made him so happy to follow in their footsteps. That’s when his intensified belief in the luck brought by pencils sharpened by the topnotchers began.

Because of his achievement as a topnotcher, he was hired as a national lecturer by the review center he attended. Now, he has become the lucky charm for others who aspire to pass the board exams or even become topnotchers themselves.

— Noel Ed Richards, The Summit Express

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