‘Proud Papa!’ Delivery rider displays laminated grad pic of cum laude daughter

It's really a pride for a parent to know that their child is graduating with honors from college, because it seems like all the hardships paid off just to ensure that the child has a ticket to a better future.

A viral Facebook post by a netizen continues to inspire people after he spotted a delivery rider with a laminated graduation photo of his daughter, who graduated cum laude from college, attached to his bike’s delivery bag, and another one hanging around his neck. It also included the words "Proud Papa."

Delivery rider displays laminated grad pic of cum laude daughter
Photo courtesy: Sophia Mallanao via Kapuso Mo Jessica Soho/Elmer Mallanao, Kram Sirk Palanca (Facebook)

The image of the delivery rider was captured by netizen Mark Kris Oliver Palanca, who shared it on social media. In an interview with GMA Integrated News, Mark mentioned that he is also a father, so when he saw the rider, he immediately took a picture of him while his car was stopped in traffic.

“Pagod mula sa isang linggong trabaho ‘tas makikita ko to. Nakakaproud maging magulang na lumalaban araw-araw,” Palanca said.

Based on research, the mentioned rider is Elmer Mallanao from Antipolo, Rizal, and his daughter, the cum laude graduate, is Sophia Mallanao. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial Management from Rizal Technological University in 2023.

“Proud Papa, here! Gusto kong isigaw sa buong earth!!! Congratulations!!!!!! CUM LAUDE!!!!!," he said in a Facebook post.

Elmer shared that when his daughter confirmed she would be graduating cum laude, Sophia immediately informed him. Initially, he thought of making a tarpaulin, but then Elmer decided to attach his daughter's photo to his delivery bag so that more people would know.

He also shared that he has been a delivery rider for three years and this is how he supports his family.

Amidst the hardships of life, Tatay Elmer saw his daughter's diligence and determination to finish her studies.

— Noel Ed Richards, The Summit Express

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