Single dad driver sends children to college; one graduates Magna Cum Laude in UP Diliman

Many were moved by the story of Pedrosino "Pedring" Catubig, 57 years old, a single parent and father of two daughters, whom he managed to support and put through college on his own through his work as a driver.

Single dad driver sends children to college
Photo courtesy: Wenona Catubig’s Facebook via PEP

Featured by PEP, he shared that they were left early by his deceased wife and mother of his children Wenona and Bea due to a brain aneurysm, way back 2016.

Since then, Pedring has shouldered the responsibility of being a single parent to his two daughters. Nona was in Grade 10 while Bea was in Grade 7 when their mother passed away. Pedring admits that being a single dad hasn't been easy, as aside from providing for their livelihood, he also had to be mindful of Bea's emotional well-being. Bea struggled with depression due to the early loss of her mother, which added to the challenges Pedring faced.

Pedring ensured that he not only provided material things for his children but also cared for them like a mother would. He said he tries to grant all the wishes and desires of his children, especially when they ask for outings or trips. This, he thought, would help distract them from feeling the absence of their late mother.

Pedring also studied various household chores such as cooking, laundry, and house cleaning. Initially, he didn't know what to do when his children were sick, but he made an effort to learn. He juggled being a driver and rider for transportation services and delivery apps like Grab, Lalamove, Joyride, and Mr. Speedy. He worked almost 15 to 18 hours a day. He said he didn't want his children to have anything to complain about, and he wanted to provide for them as best as he could.

Of course, Pedring also worked hard to support his children's education. The youngest, Bea, is currently studying Bachelor of Forensic Science at De La Salle University - Dasmariñas. Meanwhile, the eldest, Wenona, graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of the Philippines in 2024. Currently, she is pursuing Law at UP Diliman.

On June 14, Wenona shared a heartfelt post on her Facebook account about their story with her father Pedring. The post likely had an emotional caption, reflecting their journey together.

“lagi mo kami pinagyayabang ni Bea sa mga pasahero mo kaya ikaw naman ipagyayabang namin ngayon !! wala kayo sa tatay namin !! loving, supportive, at wagas magmahal 🩷🩷🩷 love u dadi Pedrosino !!! lahat ng success namin ay success mo rin! mwa mwaaa,” she captioned.

Congratulations, Mang Pedring and Wenona!

— Noel Ed Richards, The Summit Express

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