Piggery set is ready! Debutant receives 18 piglets instead of 18 roses

One of the traditions observed when a girl is about to turn 18 is the celebration known as a debut. This marks the transition of a teenage girl into a full-fledged adult woman.

Over time, the way debut celebrations are conducted has evolved, with some opting for simple parties without elaborate ceremonies, others choosing practical and intimate gatherings, and some foregoing the celebration altogether. However, in the traditional manner, the debutante has what is called "18 candles" representing the significant women in her life, and “18 roses” for the important gentlemen around her.

But in Sariaya, Quezon, Antonyt Cosico had a unique debut celebration. Instead of receiving 18 roses, she was presented with 18 piglets per person, along with sacks of pig feed.

Debutant receives 18 piglets instead of 18 roses
Photo courtesy: Facebook/TradeMark Events by Mark Gil M. Manalo

In an interview with Cosico, she shared that she thought of this unusual gift for her 18th birthday because her inspiration is her mother, who has her own pig farm.

Furthermore, she considers it practical because instead of just enjoying the celebration, she can raise the pigs and potentially earn from them to support her education.

She promised those who gave her the piglets that when they grow and have offspring, she will give two piglets each back to the individuals who gifted them to her.

Netizens approved of the practicality of this idea.

“So practical!”

“Magaya nga!”

“Matalino si Ateh, oo nga naman! Kesa sa malanta ‘yong roses eh ‘di something na mapapakinabangan na lang niya.”

“Wow, very bright idea!”

What do you think about it?

— Noel Ed Richards, The Summit Express

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