Miss Universe Vietnam’s homecoming video shows the beauty queen’s kindness

MANILA, Philippines – Miss Universe Vietnam H’Hen Nie recently made waves on social media after it was revealed that she had been a nanny to support herself in school because her family was too poor to send her to one.
Miss Universe Vietnam’s homecoming video

A lot of netizens admired the young woman for her determination to finish her studies despite the challenges she faced as a domestic helper and nanny. Many were also impressed to learn that she belongs to a tribe whose custom includes marrying off their women at a young age.

READ: Miss Universe contestant experienced being a nanny before becoming a beauty queen

Miss Universe Vietnam’s homecoming video
Photo credit: Facebook / Sash Factor Vietnam

But H’Hen is not through surprising people with her impressive character.

Miss Universe Vietnam’s homecoming video
Photo credit: Facebook / Sash Factor Vietnam

Facebook page Sash Factor Vietnam recently shared the homecoming video of H’Hen after she won as Miss Universe Vietnam. The young lady did not get a single cent from her prize money for herself; instead, she donated the entire $10,000 to schools in the village so that kids can have a proper education without worries like she had undergone.

But the children are not the only ones who benefited from H’Hen’s win.

Miss Universe Vietnam’s homecoming video
Photo credit: Facebook / Sash Factor Vietnam

In the homecoming video, the beauty queen could be seen arriving at her village and enjoying the local dishes. As a famous beauty queen now, she could have pretended to be living in a better home and eating from a proper table like people from most cultures. But this young is not pretentious at all.

She showed her simple nature, her poor family. She squatted gamely on the floor and ate with her fingers as she shared a meal with her family.

Miss Universe Vietnam’s homecoming video
Photo credit: Facebook / Sash Factor Vietnam

After the meal, she rode a motorcycle laden with gifts she plans to share with people in her village. Many netizens were impressed when the beauty queen readily jumped off the motorcycle when it got stuck in the mud; then, she helped push the vehicle to better, drier ground.

Miss Universe Vietnam’s homecoming video
Photo credit: Facebook / Sash Factor Vietnam

Afterwards, the young lady went from house to house with her basket-backpack filled with some groceries and treats which she shared to the elderly and other less fortunate people in her village.

Miss Universe Vietnam’s homecoming video
Photo credit: Facebook / Sash Factor Vietnam

It was quite obvious that she came from a poor place yet this young lady was never ashamed of her heritage and past, choosing instead to make this as an inspiration for others and as motivation to succeed in life so she could help them out of poverty.

— Joy Adalia, The Summit Express

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